Running Locust in Step Load Mode

If you want to monitor your service performance with different user load and probe the max tps that can be achieved, you can run Locust with Step Load enabled with --step-load:

$ locust -f locust_files/ --step-load



Enable Step Load mode to monitor how performance metrics varies when user load increases.


Client count to increase by step in Step Load mode. Only used together with --step-load.


Step duration in Step Load mode, e.g. (300s, 20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc.). Only used together with --step-load.

Running Locust in step load mode without the web UI

If you want to run Locust in step load mode without the web UI, you can do that with --step-clients and --step-time:

$ locust -f --no-web -c 1000 -r 100 --run-time 1h30m --step-load --step-clients 300 --step-time 20m

Locust will swarm the clients by step and shutdown once the time is up.

Running Locust distributed in step load mode

If you want to run Locust distributed in step load mode, you should specify the --step-load option when starting the master node, to swarm locusts by step. It will then show the --step-cients option and --step-time option in Locust UI.