Extending Locust

Locust comes with a number of events that provides hooks for extending locust in different ways.

Event listeners can be registered at the module level in a locust file. Here’s an example:

from locust import events

def my_success_handler(request_type, name, response_time, response_length, **kw):
    print "Successfully fetched: %s" % (name)

events.request_success += my_success_handler


It’s highly recommended that you add a wildcard keyword argument in your listeners (the **kw in the code above), to prevent your code from breaking if new arguments are added in a future version.

See also

To see all available event, please see Event hooks.

Adding Web Routes

Locust uses Flask to serve the web UI and therefore it is easy to add web end-points to the web UI. Just import the Flask app in your locustfile and set up a new route:

from locust import web

def my_added_page():
    return "Another page"

You should now be able to start locust and browse to