Source code for locust.user.users

from __future__ import annotations

from locust.clients import HttpSession
from locust.exception import LocustError, StopUser
from locust.user.task import (
from locust.user.wait_time import constant
from locust.util import deprecation

import logging
import time
import traceback
from typing import Callable, final

from gevent import GreenletExit, greenlet
from gevent.pool import Group
from urllib3 import PoolManager

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class UserMeta(type):
    Meta class for the main User class. It's used to allow User classes to specify task execution
    ratio using an {task:int} dict, or a [(task0,int), ..., (taskN,int)] list.

    def __new__(mcs, classname, bases, class_dict):
        # gather any tasks that is declared on the class (or it's bases)
        tasks = get_tasks_from_base_classes(bases, class_dict)
        class_dict["tasks"] = tasks

        if not class_dict.get("abstract"):
            # Not a base class
            class_dict["abstract"] = False


        return type.__new__(mcs, classname, bases, class_dict)

[docs] class User(metaclass=UserMeta): """ Represents a "user" which is to be spawned and attack the system that is to be load tested. The behaviour of this user is defined by its tasks. Tasks can be declared either directly on the class by using the :py:func:`@task decorator <locust.task>` on methods, or by setting the :py:attr:`tasks attribute <locust.User.tasks>`. This class should usually be subclassed by a class that defines some kind of client. For example when load testing an HTTP system, you probably want to use the :py:class:`HttpUser <locust.HttpUser>` class. """ host: str | None = None """Base hostname to swarm. i.e:""" min_wait = None """Deprecated: Use wait_time instead. Minimum waiting time between the execution of locust tasks""" max_wait = None """Deprecated: Use wait_time instead. Maximum waiting time between the execution of locust tasks""" wait_time = constant(0) """ Method that returns the time (in seconds) between the execution of locust tasks. Can be overridden for individual TaskSets. Example:: from locust import User, between class MyUser(User): wait_time = between(3, 25) """ wait_function = None """ .. warning:: DEPRECATED: Use wait_time instead. Note that the new wait_time method should return seconds and not milliseconds. Method that returns the time between the execution of locust tasks in milliseconds """ tasks: list[TaskSet | Callable] = [] """ Collection of python callables and/or TaskSet classes that the Locust user(s) will run. If tasks is a list, the task to be performed will be picked randomly. If tasks is a *(callable,int)* list of two-tuples, or a {callable:int} dict, the task to be performed will be picked randomly, but each task will be weighted according to its corresponding int value. So in the following case, *ThreadPage* will be fifteen times more likely to be picked than *write_post*:: class ForumPage(TaskSet): tasks = {ThreadPage:15, write_post:1} """ weight: float = 1 """Probability of user class being chosen. The higher the weight, the greater the chance of it being chosen.""" fixed_count: int = 0 """ If the value > 0, the weight property will be ignored and the 'fixed_count'-instances will be spawned. These Users are spawned first. If the total target count (specified by the --users arg) is not enough to spawn all instances of each User class with the defined property, the final count of each User is undefined. """ abstract: bool = True """If abstract is True, the class is meant to be subclassed, and locust will not spawn users of this class during a test.""" def __init__(self, environment) -> None: super().__init__() self.environment = environment """A reference to the :py:class:`Environment <locust.env.Environment>` in which this user is running""" self._state: str | None = None self._greenlet: greenlet.Greenlet | None = None self._group: Group self._taskset_instance: TaskSet | None = None self._cp_last_run = time.time() # used by constant_pacing wait_time
[docs] def on_start(self) -> None: """ Called when a User starts running. """ pass
[docs] def on_stop(self): """ Called when a User stops running (is killed) """ pass
@final def run(self): self._state = LOCUST_STATE_RUNNING self._taskset_instance = DefaultTaskSet(self) try: # run the TaskSet on_start method, if it has one try: self.on_start() except Exception as e: # unhandled exceptions inside tasks are logged in, but since we're not yet there... logger.error("%s\n%s", e, traceback.format_exc()) raise except (GreenletExit, StopUser): # run the on_stop method, if it has one self.on_stop()
[docs] def wait(self): """ Make the running user sleep for a duration defined by the User.wait_time function. The user can also be killed gracefully while it's sleeping, so calling this method within a task makes it possible for a user to be killed mid-task even if you've set a stop_timeout. If this behaviour is not desired, you should make the user wait using gevent.sleep() instead. """ self._taskset_instance.wait()
def start(self, group: Group): """ Start a greenlet that runs this User instance. :param group: Group instance where the greenlet will be spawned. :type group: gevent.pool.Group :returns: The spawned greenlet. """ def run_user(user): """ Main function for User greenlet. It's important that this function takes the user instance as an argument, since we use greenlet_instance.args[0] to retrieve a reference to the User instance. """ self._greenlet = group.spawn(run_user, self) self._group = group return self._greenlet def stop(self, force: bool = False): """ Stop the user greenlet. :param force: If False (the default) the stopping is done gracefully by setting the state to LOCUST_STATE_STOPPING which will make the User instance stop once any currently running task is complete and on_stop methods are called. If force is True the greenlet will be killed immediately. :returns: True if the greenlet was killed immediately, otherwise False """ if force or self._state == LOCUST_STATE_WAITING: self._group.killone(self._greenlet) return True elif self._state == LOCUST_STATE_RUNNING: self._state = LOCUST_STATE_STOPPING return False else: raise Exception(f"Tried to stop User in an unexpected state: {self._state}. This should never happen.") @property def group(self): return self._group @property def greenlet(self): return self._greenlet
[docs] def context(self) -> dict: """ Adds the returned value (a dict) to the context for :ref:`request event <request_context>`. Override this in your User class to customize the context. """ return {}
@classmethod def json(cls): return { "host":, "weight": cls.weight, "fixed_count": cls.fixed_count, "tasks": [task.__name__ for task in cls.tasks], } @classmethod def fullname(cls) -> str: """Fully qualified name of the user class, e.g. my_package.my_module.MyUserClass""" return ".".join(filter(lambda x: x != "<locals>", (cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__qualname__).split(".")))
[docs] class HttpUser(User): """ Represents an HTTP "user" which is to be spawned and attack the system that is to be load tested. The behaviour of this user is defined by its tasks. Tasks can be declared either directly on the class by using the :py:func:`@task decorator <locust.task>` on methods, or by setting the :py:attr:`tasks attribute <locust.User.tasks>`. This class creates a *client* attribute on instantiation which is an HTTP client with support for keeping a user session between requests. """ abstract: bool = True """If abstract is True, the class is meant to be subclassed, and users will not choose this locust during a test""" pool_manager: PoolManager | None = None """Connection pool manager to use. If not given, a new manager is created per single user.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if is None: raise LocustError( "You must specify the base host. Either in the host attribute in the User class, or on the command line using the --host option." ) self.client = HttpSession(,, user=self, pool_manager=self.pool_manager, ) """ Instance of HttpSession that is created upon instantiation of Locust. The client supports cookies, and therefore keeps the session between HTTP requests. """ self.client.trust_env = False