Source code for locust.runners

from __future__ import annotations

from locust import __version__

import functools
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
import sys
import time
import traceback
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterator, MutableMapping, ValuesView
from operator import itemgetter, methodcaller
from types import TracebackType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, NoReturn, TypedDict, cast
from uuid import uuid4

import gevent
import greenlet
import psutil
from gevent.event import Event
from gevent.pool import Group

from . import argument_parser
from .dispatch import UsersDispatcher
from .exception import RPCError, RPCReceiveError, RPCSendError
from .log import get_logs, greenlet_exception_logger
from .rpc import Message, rpc
from .stats import RequestStats, StatsError, setup_distributed_stats_event_listeners
from import get_abspaths_in
from .util.url import is_url

    from . import User
    from .env import Environment

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


greenlet_exception_handler = greenlet_exception_logger(logger)

class ExceptionDict(TypedDict):
    count: int
    msg: str
    traceback: str
    nodes: set[str]

[docs] class Runner: """ Orchestrates the load test by starting and stopping the users. Use one of the :meth:`create_local_runner <locust.env.Environment.create_local_runner>`, :meth:`create_master_runner <locust.env.Environment.create_master_runner>` or :meth:`create_worker_runner <locust.env.Environment.create_worker_runner>` methods on the :class:`Environment <locust.env.Environment>` instance to create a runner of the desired type. """ def __init__(self, environment: Environment) -> None: self.environment = environment self.user_greenlets = Group() self.greenlet = Group() self.state = STATE_INIT self.spawning_greenlet: gevent.Greenlet | None = None self.shape_greenlet: gevent.Greenlet | None = None self.shape_last_tick: tuple[int, float] | tuple[int, float, list[type[User]] | None] | None = None self.current_cpu_usage: float = 0.0 self.cpu_warning_emitted: bool = False self.worker_cpu_warning_emitted: bool = False self.current_memory_usage: int = 0 self.greenlet.spawn(self.monitor_cpu_and_memory).link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) self.exceptions: dict[int, ExceptionDict] = {} # Because of the way the ramp-up/ramp-down is implemented, target_user_classes_count # is only updated at the end of the ramp-up/ramp-down. # See for context. self.target_user_classes_count: dict[str, int] = {} # target_user_count is set before the ramp-up/ramp-down occurs. self.target_user_count: int = 0 self.custom_messages: dict[str, tuple[Callable, bool]] = {} self._users_dispatcher: UsersDispatcher | None = None # set up event listeners for recording requests def on_request(request_type, name, response_time, response_length, exception=None, **_kwargs): self.stats.log_request(request_type, name, response_time, response_length) if exception: self.stats.log_error(request_type, name, exception) self.connection_broken = False self.final_user_classes_count: dict[str, int] = {} # just for the ratio report, fills before runner stops # register listener that resets stats when spawning is complete def on_spawning_complete(user_count: int) -> None: self.update_state(STATE_RUNNING) if environment.reset_stats:"Resetting stats\n") self.stats.reset_all() def __del__(self) -> None: # don't leave any stray greenlets if runner is removed if self.greenlet and len(self.greenlet) > 0: self.greenlet.kill(block=False) @property def user_classes(self) -> list[type[User]]: return self.environment.user_classes @property def user_classes_by_name(self) -> dict[str, type[User]]: return self.environment.user_classes_by_name @property def stats(self) -> RequestStats: return self.environment.stats @property def errors(self) -> dict[str, StatsError]: return self.stats.errors @property def user_count(self) -> int: """ :returns: Number of currently running users """ return len(self.user_greenlets) @property def user_classes_count(self) -> dict[str, int]: """ :returns: Number of currently running users for each user class """ user_classes_count = {user_class.__name__: 0 for user_class in self.user_classes} for user_greenlet in self.user_greenlets: try: user = user_greenlet.args[0] except IndexError: # TODO: Find out why args is sometimes empty. In gevent code, # the supplied args are cleared in the gevent.greenlet.Greenlet.__free, # so it seems a good place to start investigating. My suspicion is that # the supplied args are emptied whenever the greenlet is dead, so we can # simply ignore the greenlets with empty args. logger.debug( "ERROR: While calculating number of running users, we encountered a user that didn't have proper args %s (user_greenlet.dead=%s)", user_greenlet, user_greenlet.dead, ) continue user_classes_count[user.__class__.__name__] += 1 return user_classes_count def update_state(self, new_state: str) -> None: """ Updates the current state """ # I (cyberwiz) commented out this logging, because it is too noisy even for debug level # Uncomment it if you are specifically debugging state transitions # logger.debug("Updating state to '%s', old state was '%s'" % (new_state, self.state)) self.state = new_state def cpu_log_warning(self) -> bool: """Called at the end of the test""" if self.cpu_warning_emitted: logger.warning( "CPU usage was too high at some point during the test! See for how to distribute the load over multiple CPU cores or machines" ) return self.cpu_warning_emitted def spawn_users(self, user_classes_spawn_count: dict[str, int], wait: bool = False): if self.state == STATE_INIT or self.state == STATE_STOPPED: self.update_state(STATE_SPAWNING) logger.debug( f"Spawning additional {json.dumps(user_classes_spawn_count)} ({json.dumps(self.user_classes_count)} already running)..." ) def spawn(user_class: str, spawn_count: int) -> list[User]: n = 0 new_users: list[User] = [] while n < spawn_count: new_user = self.user_classes_by_name[user_class](self.environment) assert hasattr( new_user, "environment" ), f"Attribute 'environment' is missing on user {user_class}. Perhaps you defined your own __init__ and forgot to call the base constructor? (super().__init__(*args, **kwargs))" new_user.start(self.user_greenlets) new_users.append(new_user) n += 1 if n % 10 == 0 or n == spawn_count: logger.debug("%i users spawned" % self.user_count) logger.debug("All users of class %s spawned" % user_class) return new_users new_users: list[User] = [] for user_class, spawn_count in user_classes_spawn_count.items(): new_users += spawn(user_class, spawn_count) if wait: self.user_greenlets.join()"All users stopped\n") return new_users def stop_users(self, user_classes_stop_count: dict[str, int]) -> None: async_calls_to_stop = Group() stop_group = Group() for user_class, stop_count in user_classes_stop_count.items(): if self.user_classes_count[user_class] == 0: continue to_stop: list[greenlet.greenlet] = [] for user_greenlet in self.user_greenlets: if len(to_stop) == stop_count: break try: user = user_greenlet.args[0] except IndexError: logger.error( "While stopping users, we encountered a user that didn't have proper args %s", user_greenlet ) continue if type(user) == self.user_classes_by_name[user_class]: to_stop.append(user) if not to_stop: continue while True: user_to_stop: User = to_stop.pop() logger.debug("Stopping %s" % if user_to_stop.greenlet is greenlet.getcurrent(): # User called runner.quit(), so don't block waiting for killing to finish, block=False) elif self.environment.stop_timeout: async_calls_to_stop.add(gevent.spawn_later(0, user_to_stop.stop, force=False)) stop_group.add(user_to_stop.greenlet) else: async_calls_to_stop.add(gevent.spawn_later(0, user_to_stop.stop, force=True)) if not to_stop: break async_calls_to_stop.join() if not stop_group.join(timeout=self.environment.stop_timeout): "Not all users finished their tasks & terminated in %s seconds. Stopping them..." % self.environment.stop_timeout ) stop_group.kill(block=True) logger.debug( "%g users have been stopped, %g still running", sum(user_classes_stop_count.values()), self.user_count ) def monitor_cpu_and_memory(self) -> NoReturn: process = psutil.Process() while True: self.current_cpu_usage = process.cpu_percent() self.current_memory_usage = process.memory_info().rss if self.current_cpu_usage > CPU_WARNING_THRESHOLD:, cpu_usage=self.current_cpu_usage) if not self.cpu_warning_emitted: logging.warning( f"CPU usage above {CPU_WARNING_THRESHOLD}%! This may constrain your throughput and may even give inconsistent response time measurements! See for how to distribute the load over multiple CPU cores or machines" ) self.cpu_warning_emitted = True environment=self.environment, cpu_usage=self.current_cpu_usage, memory_usage=self.current_memory_usage ) gevent.sleep(CPU_MONITOR_INTERVAL) @abstractmethod def start( self, user_count: int, spawn_rate: float, wait: bool = False, user_classes: list[type[User]] | None = None ) -> None: ... @abstractmethod def send_message(self, msg_type: str, data: Any = None, client_id: str | None = None) -> None: ... def start_shape(self) -> None: """ Start running a load test with a custom LoadTestShape specified in the :meth:`Environment.shape_class <locust.env.Environment.shape_class>` parameter. """ if self.shape_greenlet:"There is an ongoing shape test running. Editing is disabled") return"Shape test starting.") self.update_state(STATE_INIT) self.shape_greenlet = self.greenlet.spawn(self.shape_worker) self.shape_greenlet.link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) if self.environment.shape_class is not None: self.environment.shape_class.reset_time() def shape_worker(self) -> None:"Shape worker starting") while self.state == STATE_INIT or self.state == STATE_SPAWNING or self.state == STATE_RUNNING: shape_adjustment_start = time.time() current_tick = self.environment.shape_class.tick() if self.environment.shape_class is not None else None if current_tick is None:"Shape test stopping") if self.environment.parsed_options and self.environment.parsed_options.headless: self.quit() else: self.stop() self.shape_greenlet = None self.shape_last_tick = None return elif self.shape_last_tick != current_tick: if len(current_tick) == 2: user_count, spawn_rate = current_tick user_classes = None else: user_count, spawn_rate, user_classes = current_tick"Shape test updating to %d users at %.2f spawn rate" % (user_count, spawn_rate)) # TODO: This `self.start()` call is blocking until the ramp-up is completed. This can leads # to unexpected behaviours such as the one in the following example: # A load test shape has the following stages: # stage 1: (user_count=100, spawn_rate=1) for t < 50s # stage 2: (user_count=120, spawn_rate=1) for t < 100s # stage 3: (user_count=130, spawn_rate=1) for t < 120s # Because the first stage will take 100s to complete, the second stage # will be skipped completely because the shape worker will be blocked # at the `self.start()` of the first stage. # Of course, this isn't a problem if the load test shape is well-defined. # We should probably use a `gevent.timeout` with a duration a little over # `(user_count - prev_user_count) / spawn_rate` in order to limit the runtime # of each load test shape stage. self.start(user_count=user_count, spawn_rate=spawn_rate, user_classes=user_classes) self.shape_last_tick = current_tick shape_adjustment_time_ms = time.time() - shape_adjustment_start gevent.sleep(max(1 - shape_adjustment_time_ms, 0))
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop a running load test by stopping all running users """ if self.state == STATE_STOPPED: return try: caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0]) logger.debug(f"Stopping all users (called from {caller.filename}:{caller.lineno})") except Exception: logger.debug("Stopping all users (couldn't determine where stop() was called from)") self.final_user_classes_count = {**self.user_classes_count} self.update_state(STATE_CLEANUP) # if we are currently spawning users we need to kill the spawning greenlet first if self.spawning_greenlet and not self.spawning_greenlet.ready(): self.spawning_greenlet.kill(block=True) if self.environment.shape_class is not None and self.shape_greenlet is not greenlet.getcurrent(): # If the test was not started yet and locust is # stopped/quit, shape_greenlet will be None. if self.shape_greenlet is not None: self.shape_greenlet.kill(block=True) self.shape_greenlet = None self.shape_last_tick = None self.stop_users(self.user_classes_count) self._users_dispatcher = None self.update_state(STATE_STOPPED) self.cpu_log_warning()
[docs] def quit(self) -> None: """ Stop any running load test and kill all greenlets for the runner """ self.stop() self.greenlet.kill(block=True)
def log_exception(self, node_id: str, msg: str, formatted_tb: str) -> None: key = hash(formatted_tb) row = self.exceptions.setdefault(key, {"count": 0, "msg": msg, "traceback": formatted_tb, "nodes": set()}) row["count"] += 1 row["nodes"].add(node_id) self.exceptions[key] = row def register_message(self, msg_type: str, listener: Callable, concurrent=False) -> None: """ Register a listener for a custom message from another node :param msg_type: The type of the message to listen for :param listener: The function to execute when the message is received """ if msg_type in self.custom_messages: raise Exception(f"Tried to register listener method for {msg_type}, but it already had a listener!") self.custom_messages[msg_type] = (listener, concurrent)
[docs] class LocalRunner(Runner): """ Runner for running single process load test """ def __init__(self, environment) -> None: """ :param environment: Environment instance """ super().__init__(environment) # These attributes dont make a lot of sense for LocalRunner # but it makes it easier to write tests that work for both local and distributed runs self.worker_index = 0 self.client_id = socket.gethostname() + "_" + uuid4().hex self.worker_count = 1 # Only when running in standalone mode (non-distributed) self._local_worker_node = WorkerNode(id="local") self._local_worker_node.user_classes_count = self.user_classes_count # register listener that's logs the exception for the local runner def on_user_error(user_instance, exception, tb): formatted_tb = "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb)) self.log_exception("local", str(exception), formatted_tb) def _start(self, user_count: int, spawn_rate: float, wait: bool = False, user_classes: list | None = None) -> None: """ Start running a load test :param user_count: Total number of users to start :param spawn_rate: Number of users to spawn per second :param wait: If True calls to this method will block until all users are spawned. If False (the default), a greenlet that spawns the users will be started and the call to this method will return immediately. :param user_classes: The user classes to be dispatched, None indicates to use the classes the dispatcher was invoked with. """ self.target_user_count = user_count if self.state != STATE_RUNNING and self.state != STATE_SPAWNING: self.stats.clear_all() self.exceptions = {} self.cpu_warning_emitted = False self.worker_cpu_warning_emitted = False self.environment._filter_tasks_by_tags() if wait and user_count - self.user_count > spawn_rate: raise ValueError("wait is True but the amount of users to add is greater than the spawn rate") for user_class in self.user_classes: if = if self.state != STATE_INIT and self.state != STATE_STOPPED: self.update_state(STATE_SPAWNING) if self._users_dispatcher is None: self._users_dispatcher = self.environment.dispatcher_class( worker_nodes=[self._local_worker_node], user_classes=self.user_classes )"Ramping to %d users at a rate of %.2f per second" % (user_count, spawn_rate)) self._users_dispatcher.new_dispatch(user_count, spawn_rate, user_classes) try: for dispatched_users in self._users_dispatcher: user_classes_spawn_count: dict[str, int] = {} user_classes_stop_count: dict[str, int] = {} user_classes_count = dispatched_users[] logger.debug("Ramping to %s" % _format_user_classes_count_for_log(user_classes_count)) for user_class_name, user_class_count in user_classes_count.items(): if self.user_classes_count[user_class_name] > user_class_count: user_classes_stop_count[user_class_name] = ( self.user_classes_count[user_class_name] - user_class_count ) elif self.user_classes_count[user_class_name] < user_class_count: user_classes_spawn_count[user_class_name] = ( user_class_count - self.user_classes_count[user_class_name] ) if wait: # spawn_users will block, so we need to call stop_users first self.stop_users(user_classes_stop_count) self.spawn_users(user_classes_spawn_count, wait) else: # call spawn_users before stopping the users since stop_users # can be blocking because of the stop_timeout self.spawn_users(user_classes_spawn_count, wait) self.stop_users(user_classes_stop_count) self._local_worker_node.user_classes_count = next(iter(dispatched_users.values())) except KeyboardInterrupt: # TODO: Find a cleaner way to handle that # We need to catch keyboard interrupt. Otherwise, if KeyboardInterrupt is received while in # a gevent.sleep inside the dispatch_users function, locust won't gracefully shutdown. self.quit()"All users spawned: {_format_user_classes_count_for_log(self.user_classes_count)}") self.target_user_classes_count = self.user_classes_count def start( self, user_count: int, spawn_rate: float, wait: bool = False, user_classes: list[type[User]] | None = None ) -> None: if spawn_rate > 100: logger.warning( "Your selected spawn rate is very high (>100), and this is known to sometimes cause issues. Do you really need to ramp up that fast?" ) if self.spawning_greenlet: # kill existing spawning_greenlet before we start a new one self.spawning_greenlet.kill(block=True) self.spawning_greenlet = self.greenlet.spawn( lambda: self._start(user_count, spawn_rate, wait=wait, user_classes=user_classes) ) self.spawning_greenlet.link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) def stop(self) -> None: if self.state == STATE_STOPPED: return super().stop() def send_message(self, msg_type: str, data: Any = None, client_id: str | None = None) -> None: """ Emulates internodal messaging by calling registered listeners :param msg_type: The type of the message to emulate sending :param data: Optional data to include """ logger.debug("Running locally: sending %s message to self" % msg_type) if msg_type in self.custom_messages: listener, concurrent = self.custom_messages[msg_type] msg = Message(msg_type, data, "local") listener(environment=self.environment, msg=msg) else: logger.warning(f"Unknown message type received: {msg_type}")
class DistributedRunner(Runner): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) setup_distributed_stats_event_listeners(, self.stats) class WorkerNode: def __init__(self, id: str, state=STATE_INIT, heartbeat_liveness=HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS) -> None: str = id self.state = state self.heartbeat = heartbeat_liveness self.cpu_usage: int = 0 self.cpu_warning_emitted = False self.memory_usage: int = 0 # The reported users running on the worker self.user_classes_count: dict[str, int] = {} @property def user_count(self) -> int: return sum(self.user_classes_count.values()) class WorkerNodes(MutableMapping): def __init__(self) -> None: self._worker_nodes: dict[str, WorkerNode] = {} def get_by_state(self, state) -> list[WorkerNode]: return [c for c in self.values() if c.state == state] @property def all(self) -> ValuesView[WorkerNode]: return self.values() @property def ready(self) -> list[WorkerNode]: return self.get_by_state(STATE_INIT) @property def spawning(self) -> list[WorkerNode]: return self.get_by_state(STATE_SPAWNING) @property def running(self) -> list[WorkerNode]: return self.get_by_state(STATE_RUNNING) @property def missing(self) -> list[WorkerNode]: return self.get_by_state(STATE_MISSING) def __setitem__(self, k: str, v: WorkerNode) -> None: self._worker_nodes[k] = v def __delitem__(self, k: str) -> None: del self._worker_nodes[k] def __getitem__(self, k: str) -> WorkerNode: return self._worker_nodes[k] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._worker_nodes) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(list(self._worker_nodes.keys()))
[docs] class MasterRunner(DistributedRunner): """ Runner used to run distributed load tests across multiple processes and/or machines. MasterRunner doesn't spawn any user greenlets itself. Instead it expects :class:`WorkerRunners <WorkerRunner>` to connect to it, which it will then direct to start and stop user greenlets. Stats sent back from the :class:`WorkerRunners <WorkerRunner>` will aggregated. """ def __init__(self, environment, master_bind_host, master_bind_port) -> None: """ :param environment: Environment instance :param master_bind_host: Host/interface to use for incoming worker connections :param master_bind_port: Port to use for incoming worker connections """ super().__init__(environment) self.worker_cpu_warning_emitted = False self.master_bind_host = master_bind_host self.master_bind_port = master_bind_port self.spawn_rate: float = 0.0 self.spawning_completed = False self.worker_indexes: dict[str, int] = {} self.worker_index_max = 0 self.clients = WorkerNodes() try: self.server = rpc.Server(master_bind_host, master_bind_port) except RPCError as e: if e.args[0] == "Socket bind failure: Address already in use": port_string = ( master_bind_host + ":" + str(master_bind_port) if master_bind_host != "*" else str(master_bind_port) ) logger.error( f"The Locust master port ({port_string}) was busy. Close any applications using that port - perhaps an old instance of Locust master is still running? ({e.args[0]})" ) sys.exit(1) else: raise self._users_dispatcher: UsersDispatcher | None = None self.greenlet.spawn(self.heartbeat_worker).link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) self.greenlet.spawn(self.client_listener).link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) # listener that gathers info on how many users the worker has spawned def on_worker_report(client_id: str, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: if client_id not in self.clients:"Discarded report from unrecognized worker %s", client_id) return self.clients[client_id].user_classes_count = data["user_classes_count"] # register listener that sends quit message to worker nodes def on_quitting(environment: Environment, **kw): self.quit() def rebalancing_enabled(self) -> bool: return self.environment.parsed_options is not None and cast( bool, self.environment.parsed_options.enable_rebalancing ) def get_worker_index(self, client_id): """ Get the worker index for the specified client ID; this is a deterministic 0-based ordinal number and guaranteed to not change while Master is alive. """ if client_id in self.worker_indexes: return self.worker_indexes[client_id] index = self.worker_index_max self.worker_indexes[client_id] = index self.worker_index_max += 1 return index @property def user_count(self) -> int: return sum([c.user_count for c in self.clients.values()]) def cpu_log_warning(self) -> bool: warning_emitted = Runner.cpu_log_warning(self) if self.worker_cpu_warning_emitted: logger.warning("CPU usage threshold was exceeded on workers during the test!") warning_emitted = True return warning_emitted def start( self, user_count: int, spawn_rate: float, wait=False, user_classes: list[type[User]] | None = None ) -> None: self.spawning_completed = False self.target_user_count = user_count num_workers = len(self.clients.ready) + len(self.clients.running) + len(self.clients.spawning) if not num_workers: logger.warning("You can't start a distributed test before at least one worker processes has connected") return for user_class in self.user_classes: if = self.spawn_rate = spawn_rate if self._users_dispatcher is None: self._users_dispatcher = self.environment.dispatcher_class( worker_nodes=list(self.clients.values()), user_classes=self.user_classes ) "Sending spawn jobs of %d users at %.2f spawn rate to %d ready workers" % (user_count, spawn_rate, num_workers) ) worker_spawn_rate = float(spawn_rate) / (num_workers or 1) if worker_spawn_rate > 100: logger.warning( "Your selected spawn rate is very high (>100/worker), and this is known to sometimes cause issues. Do you really need to ramp up that fast?" ) if self.state != STATE_RUNNING and self.state != STATE_SPAWNING: self.stats.clear_all() self.exceptions = {} self.environment._filter_tasks_by_tags() if self.environment.shape_class: self.environment.shape_class.reset_time() self.update_state(STATE_SPAWNING) self._users_dispatcher.new_dispatch( target_user_count=user_count, spawn_rate=spawn_rate, user_classes=user_classes ) try: for dispatched_users in self._users_dispatcher: dispatch_greenlets = Group() for worker_node_id, worker_user_classes_count in dispatched_users.items(): data = { "timestamp": time.time(), "user_classes_count": worker_user_classes_count, "host":, "stop_timeout": self.environment.stop_timeout, "parsed_options": vars(self.environment.parsed_options) if self.environment.parsed_options else {}, } dispatch_greenlets.add( gevent.spawn_later( 0, self.server.send_to_client, Message("spawn", data, worker_node_id), ) ) dispatched_user_count = sum(map(sum, map(methodcaller("values"), dispatched_users.values()))) logger.debug( "Sending spawn messages for %g total users to %i worker(s)", dispatched_user_count, len(dispatch_greenlets), ) dispatch_greenlets.join() logger.debug( f"Currently spawned users: {_format_user_classes_count_for_log(self.reported_user_classes_count)}" ) self.target_user_classes_count = _aggregate_dispatched_users(dispatched_users) except KeyboardInterrupt: # TODO: Find a cleaner way to handle that # We need to catch keyboard interrupt. Otherwise, if KeyboardInterrupt is received while in # a gevent.sleep inside the dispatch_users function, locust won't gracefully shutdown. self.quit() # Wait a little for workers to report their users to the master # so that we can give an accurate log message below and fire the `spawning_complete` event # when the user count is really at the desired value. timeout = gevent.Timeout(self._wait_for_workers_report_after_ramp_up()) timeout.start() msg_prefix = "All users spawned" try: while self.user_count != self.target_user_count: gevent.sleep(0.01) except gevent.Timeout: msg_prefix = ( "Spawning is complete and report waittime is expired, but not all reports received from workers" ) finally: timeout.cancel() user_count = sum(self.target_user_classes_count.values()) # notify workers so they can fire their own event self.send_message("spawning_complete", data={"user_count": user_count}) self.spawning_completed = True"{msg_prefix}: {_format_user_classes_count_for_log(self.reported_user_classes_count)}") @functools.lru_cache def _wait_for_workers_report_after_ramp_up(self) -> float: """ The amount of time to wait after a ramp-up in order for all the workers to report their state to the master. If not supplied by the user, it is 1000ms by default. If the supplied value is a number, it is taken as-is. If the supplied value is a pattern like "some_number * WORKER_REPORT_INTERVAL", the value will be "some_number * WORKER_REPORT_INTERVAL". The most sensible value would be something like "1.25 * WORKER_REPORT_INTERVAL". However, some users might find it too high, so it is left to a relatively small value of 1000ms by default. """ locust_wait_for_workers_report_after_ramp_up = os.getenv("LOCUST_WAIT_FOR_WORKERS_REPORT_AFTER_RAMP_UP") if locust_wait_for_workers_report_after_ramp_up is None: return 1.0 match = r"^(?P<coeff>(\d+)|(\d+\.\d+))[ ]*\*[ ]*WORKER_REPORT_INTERVAL$", locust_wait_for_workers_report_after_ramp_up, ) if match is None: assert float(locust_wait_for_workers_report_after_ramp_up) >= 0 return float(locust_wait_for_workers_report_after_ramp_up) else: return float("coeff")) * WORKER_REPORT_INTERVAL def stop(self, send_stop_to_client: bool = True) -> None: if self.state not in [STATE_INIT, STATE_STOPPED, STATE_STOPPING]: logger.debug("Stopping...") self.final_user_classes_count = {**self.reported_user_classes_count} self.update_state(STATE_STOPPING) if ( self.environment.shape_class is not None and self.shape_greenlet is not None and self.shape_greenlet is not greenlet.getcurrent() ): self.shape_greenlet.kill(block=True) self.shape_greenlet = None self.shape_last_tick = None self._users_dispatcher = None if send_stop_to_client: for client in self.clients.all: logger.debug("Sending stop message to worker %s" % self.server.send_to_client(Message("stop", None, # Give an additional 60s for all workers to stop timeout = gevent.Timeout(self.environment.stop_timeout + 60) timeout.start() try: while self.user_count != 0: gevent.sleep(1) except gevent.Timeout: logger.error("Timeout waiting for all workers to stop") finally: timeout.cancel() def quit(self) -> None: self.stop(send_stop_to_client=False) logger.debug("Quitting...") for client in self.clients.all: logger.debug(f"Sending quit message to worker {} (index {self.get_worker_index(})") self.server.send_to_client(Message("quit", None, gevent.sleep(0.5) # wait for final stats report from all workers self.greenlet.kill(block=True) def check_stopped(self) -> None: if ( self.state == STATE_STOPPING and all(x.state == STATE_INIT for x in self.clients.all) or all(x.state not in (STATE_RUNNING, STATE_SPAWNING, STATE_INIT) for x in self.clients.all) ): self.update_state(STATE_STOPPED) def heartbeat_worker(self) -> NoReturn: while True: gevent.sleep(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) if self.connection_broken: self.reset_connection() continue missing_clients_to_be_removed = [] for client in self.clients.all: # if clients goes missing for more than HEARTBEAT_DEAD_INTERNAL then add them to be removed list if client.state == STATE_MISSING and client.heartbeat <= HEARTBEAT_DEAD_INTERNAL: missing_clients_to_be_removed.append( if client.heartbeat < 0 and client.state != STATE_MISSING:"Worker {str(} failed to send heartbeat, setting state to missing.") client.state = STATE_MISSING client.user_classes_count = {} if self._users_dispatcher is not None: self._users_dispatcher.remove_worker(client) if self.rebalancing_enabled() and self.state == STATE_RUNNING and self.spawning_completed: self.start(self.target_user_count, self.spawn_rate) if self.worker_count <= 0:"The last worker went missing, stopping test.") self.stop() self.check_stopped() else: client.heartbeat -= 1 # if there are any missing clients to be removed then remove them and trigger rebalance. if len(missing_clients_to_be_removed) > 0: for to_remove_client_id in missing_clients_to_be_removed: if self.clients.get(to_remove_client_id) is not None: del self.clients[to_remove_client_id] if self.state == STATE_RUNNING or self.state == STATE_SPAWNING: # _users_dispatcher is set to none so that during redistribution the dead clients are not picked, alternative is to call self.stop() before start self._users_dispatcher = None # trigger redistribution after missing cclient removal self.start(user_count=self.target_user_count, spawn_rate=self.spawn_rate) def reset_connection(self) -> None:"Resetting RPC server and all worker connections.") try: self.server.close(linger=0) self.server = rpc.Server(self.master_bind_host, self.master_bind_port) self.connection_broken = False except RPCError as e: logger.error(f"Temporary failure when resetting connection: {e}, will retry later.") def client_listener(self) -> NoReturn: while True: try: client_id, msg = self.server.recv_from_client() except RPCReceiveError as e: client_id = e.addr if client_id and client_id in self.clients: logger.error(f"RPCError when receiving from client: {e}. Will reset client {client_id}.") try: self.server.send_to_client(Message("reconnect", None, client_id)) except Exception as error: logger.error(f"Error sending reconnect message to worker: {error}. Will reset RPC server.") self.connection_broken = True gevent.sleep(FALLBACK_INTERVAL) continue else: message = f"{e}" if not client_id else f"{e} from {client_id}" logger.error(f"Unrecognized message detected: {message}") continue except RPCSendError as e: logger.error(f"Error sending reconnect message to worker: {e}. Will reset RPC server.") self.connection_broken = True gevent.sleep(FALLBACK_INTERVAL) continue except RPCError as e: if self.clients.ready or self.clients.spawning or self.clients.running: logger.error(f"RPCError: {e}. Will reset RPC server.") else: logger.debug( "RPCError when receiving from worker: %s (but no workers were expected to be connected anyway)" % (e) ) self.connection_broken = True gevent.sleep(FALLBACK_INTERVAL) continue except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.debug( "Got KeyboardInterrupt in client_listener. Other greenlets should catch this and shut down." ) if msg.type == "client_ready": if not logger.error(f"An old (pre 2.0) worker tried to connect ({client_id}). That's not going to work.") continue elif != __version__ and != -1: if[0:4] == __version__[0:4]: logger.debug( f"A worker ({client_id}) running a different patch version ({}) connected, master version is {__version__}" ) else: logger.warning( f"A worker ({client_id}) running a different version ({}) connected, master version is {__version__}" ) self.send_message("ack", client_id=client_id, data={"index": self.get_worker_index(client_id)}) self.clients[client_id] = WorkerNode(client_id, heartbeat_liveness=HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS) if self._users_dispatcher is not None: self._users_dispatcher.add_worker(worker_node=self.clients[client_id]) if not self._users_dispatcher.dispatch_in_progress and self.state == STATE_RUNNING: # TODO: Test this situation self.start(self.target_user_count, self.spawn_rate) f"{client_id} (index {self.get_worker_index(client_id)}) reported as ready. {len(self.clients.ready + self.clients.running + self.clients.spawning)} workers connected." ) if self.rebalancing_enabled() and self.state == STATE_RUNNING and self.spawning_completed: self.start(self.target_user_count, self.spawn_rate) # emit a warning if the worker's clock seem to be out of sync with our clock # if abs(time() -["time"]) > 5.0: # warnings.warn("The worker node's clock seem to be out of sync. For the statistics to be correct the different locust servers need to have synchronized clocks.") elif msg.type == "locustfile": if["version"][0:4] == __version__[0:4]: logger.debug( f"A worker ({msg.node_id}) running a different patch version ({['version']}) connected, master version is {__version__}" ) logging.debug("Worker requested locust file") assert self.environment.parsed_locustfiles locustfile_options = self.environment.parsed_locustfiles locustfile_list = [f.strip() for f in locustfile_options if not os.path.isdir(f)] for locustfile_option in locustfile_options: if os.path.isdir(locustfile_option): locustfile_list.extend(get_abspaths_in(locustfile_option, extension=".py")) try: locustfiles: list[str | dict[str, str]] = [] for filename in locustfile_list: if is_url(filename): locustfiles.append(filename) else: with open(filename) as f: filename = os.path.basename(filename) file_contents = locustfiles.append({"filename": filename, "contents": file_contents}) except Exception as e: error_message = "locustfile must be a full path to a single locustfile, a comma-separated list of .py files, or a URL for file distribution to work" logger.error(f"{error_message} {e}") self.send_message( "locustfile", client_id=client_id, data={"error": f"{error_message} (was '{filename}')"}, ) else: self.send_message( "locustfile", client_id=client_id, data={"locustfiles": locustfiles}, ) continue elif msg.type == "client_stopped": if msg.node_id not in self.clients: logger.warning(f"Received {msg.type} message from an unknown worker: {msg.node_id}.") continue client = self.clients[msg.node_id] del self.clients[msg.node_id] if self._users_dispatcher is not None: self._users_dispatcher.remove_worker(client) if not self._users_dispatcher.dispatch_in_progress and self.state == STATE_RUNNING: # TODO: Test this situation self.start(self.target_user_count, self.spawn_rate)"{msg.node_id} (index {self.get_worker_index(client_id)}) reported that it has stopped") elif msg.type == "heartbeat": if msg.node_id in self.clients: c = self.clients[msg.node_id] c.heartbeat = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS client_state =["state"] if c.state == STATE_MISSING:"Worker {str(} self-healed with heartbeat, setting state to {client_state}.") if self._users_dispatcher is not None: self._users_dispatcher.add_worker(worker_node=c) if not self._users_dispatcher.dispatch_in_progress and self.state == STATE_RUNNING: # TODO: Test this situation self.start(self.target_user_count, self.spawn_rate) c.state = client_state c.cpu_usage =["current_cpu_usage"] if not c.cpu_warning_emitted and c.cpu_usage > 90: self.worker_cpu_warning_emitted = True # used to fail the test in the end c.cpu_warning_emitted = True # used to suppress logging for this node logger.warning( f"Worker {msg.node_id} (index {self.get_worker_index(msg.node_id)}) exceeded cpu threshold (will only log this once per worker)" ) if "current_memory_usage" in c.memory_usage =["current_memory_usage"], timestamp=time.time()) self.server.send_to_client(Message("heartbeat", None, msg.node_id)) else: logging.debug(f"Got heartbeat message from unknown worker {msg.node_id}") elif msg.type == "stats":, elif msg.type == "spawning": try: self.clients[msg.node_id].state = STATE_SPAWNING except KeyError: logger.warning(f"Got spawning message from unknown worker {msg.node_id}. Asking worker to quit.") self.server.send_to_client(Message("quit", None, msg.node_id)) elif msg.type == "spawning_complete": # a worker finished spawning (this happens multiple times during rampup) self.clients[msg.node_id].state = STATE_RUNNING self.clients[msg.node_id].user_classes_count =["user_classes_count"] elif msg.type == "logs": self.environment.update_worker_logs( elif msg.type == "quit": if msg.node_id in self.clients: client = self.clients[msg.node_id] del self.clients[msg.node_id] if self._users_dispatcher is not None: self._users_dispatcher.remove_worker(client) if not self._users_dispatcher.dispatch_in_progress and self.state == STATE_RUNNING: # TODO: Test this situation self.start(self.target_user_count, self.spawn_rate) f"Worker {msg.node_id!r} (index {self.get_worker_index(msg.node_id)}) quit. {len(self.clients.ready)} workers ready." ) if self.worker_count - len(self.clients.missing) <= 0:"The last worker quit, stopping test.") self.stop() if self.environment.parsed_options and self.environment.parsed_options.headless: self.quit() elif msg.type == "exception": self.log_exception(msg.node_id,["msg"],["traceback"]) elif msg.type in self.custom_messages: logger.debug( f"Received {msg.type} message from worker {msg.node_id} (index {self.get_worker_index(msg.node_id)})" ) try: listener, concurrent = self.custom_messages[msg.type] if not concurrent: listener(environment=self.environment, msg=msg) else: gevent.spawn(listener, environment=self.environment, msg=msg) except Exception: logging.error(f"Uncaught exception in handler for {msg.type}\n{traceback.format_exc()}") else: logger.warning( f"Unknown message type received from worker {msg.node_id} (index {self.get_worker_index(msg.node_id)}): {msg.type}" ) self.check_stopped() @property def worker_count(self) -> int: return len(self.clients.ready) + len(self.clients.spawning) + len(self.clients.running) @property def reported_user_classes_count(self) -> dict[str, int]: reported_user_classes_count: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) for client in self.clients.ready + self.clients.spawning + self.clients.running: for name, count in client.user_classes_count.items(): reported_user_classes_count[name] += count return reported_user_classes_count
[docs] def send_message(self, msg_type: str, data: dict[str, Any] | None = None, client_id: str | None = None): """ Sends a message to attached worker node(s) :param msg_type: The type of the message to send :param data: Optional data to send :param client_id: Optional id of the target worker node. If None, will send to all attached workers """ if client_id: logger.debug(f"Sending {msg_type} message to worker {client_id}") self.server.send_to_client(Message(msg_type, data, client_id)) else: for client in self.clients.all: logger.debug(f"Sending {msg_type} message to worker {}") self.server.send_to_client(Message(msg_type, data,
[docs] class WorkerRunner(DistributedRunner): """ Runner used to run distributed load tests across multiple processes and/or machines. WorkerRunner connects to a :class:`MasterRunner` from which it'll receive instructions to start and stop user greenlets. The WorkerRunner will periodically take the stats generated by the running users and send back to the :class:`MasterRunner`. """ # the worker index is set on ACK, if master provided it (masters <= 2.10.2 do not provide it) worker_index = -1 def __init__(self, environment: Environment, master_host: str, master_port: int) -> None: """ :param environment: Environment instance :param master_host: Host/IP to use for connection to the master :param master_port: Port to use for connecting to the master """ super().__init__(environment) self.retry = 0 self.connected = False self.last_heartbeat_timestamp: float | None = None self.connection_event = Event() self.worker_state = STATE_INIT self.client_id = socket.gethostname() + "_" + uuid4().hex self.master_host = master_host self.master_port = master_port self.logs: list[str] = [] self.worker_cpu_warning_emitted = False self._users_dispatcher: UsersDispatcher | None = None self.client = rpc.Client(master_host, master_port, self.client_id) self.greenlet.spawn(self.worker).link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) self.connect_to_master() self.greenlet.spawn(self.heartbeat).link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) self.greenlet.spawn(self.heartbeat_timeout_checker).link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) self.greenlet.spawn(self.stats_reporter).link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) self.greenlet.spawn(self.logs_reporter).link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) # register listener that adds the current number of spawned users to the report that is sent to the master node def on_report_to_master(client_id: str, data: dict[str, Any]): data["user_classes_count"] = self.user_classes_count data["user_count"] = self.user_count # register listener that sends quit message to master def on_quitting(environment: Environment, **kw) -> None: self.client.send(Message("quit", None, self.client_id)) # register listener that's sends user exceptions to master def on_user_error(user_instance: User, exception: Exception, tb: TracebackType) -> None: formatted_tb = "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb)) self.client.send(Message("exception", {"msg": str(exception), "traceback": formatted_tb}, self.client_id)) def spawning_complete(self, user_count): assert user_count == sum(self.user_classes_count.values()) self.client.send( Message( "spawning_complete", {"user_classes_count": self.user_classes_count, "user_count": self.user_count}, self.client_id, ) ) self.worker_state = STATE_RUNNING def start( self, user_count: int, spawn_rate: float, wait: bool = False, user_classes: list[type[User]] | None = None ) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("use start_worker") def start_worker(self, user_classes_count: dict[str, int], **kwargs) -> None: """ Start running a load test as a worker :param user_classes_count: Users to run """ self.target_user_classes_count = user_classes_count self.target_user_count = sum(user_classes_count.values()) for user_class in self.user_classes: if = user_classes_spawn_count: dict[str, int] = {} user_classes_stop_count: dict[str, int] = {} for user_class_name, user_class_count in user_classes_count.items(): if self.user_classes_count[user_class_name] > user_class_count: user_classes_stop_count[user_class_name] = self.user_classes_count[user_class_name] - user_class_count elif self.user_classes_count[user_class_name] < user_class_count: user_classes_spawn_count[user_class_name] = user_class_count - self.user_classes_count[user_class_name] # call spawn_users before stopping the users since stop_users # can be blocking because of the stop_timeout self.spawn_users(user_classes_spawn_count) self.stop_users(user_classes_stop_count) self.spawning_complete(sum(self.user_classes_count.values())) self.update_state(STATE_RUNNING) self.worker_state = STATE_RUNNING def heartbeat(self) -> NoReturn: while True: try: self.client.send( Message( "heartbeat", { "state": self.worker_state, "current_cpu_usage": self.current_cpu_usage, "current_memory_usage": self.current_memory_usage, }, self.client_id, ) ) except RPCError as e: logger.error(f"RPCError found when sending heartbeat: {e}") self.reset_connection() gevent.sleep(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) def heartbeat_timeout_checker(self) -> NoReturn: while True: gevent.sleep(1) if self.last_heartbeat_timestamp and self.last_heartbeat_timestamp < time.time() - MASTER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT: logger.error(f"Didn't get heartbeat from master in over {MASTER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT}s") self.quit() def reset_connection(self) -> None:"Reset connection to master") try: self.client.close() self.client = rpc.Client(self.master_host, self.master_port, self.client_id) except RPCError as e: logger.error(f"Temporary failure when resetting connection: {e}, will retry later.") def worker(self) -> NoReturn: last_received_spawn_timestamp = 0 while True: try: msg = self.client.recv() except RPCError as e: logger.error(f"RPCError found when receiving from master: {e}") continue if msg.type == "ack": # backward-compatible support of masters that do not send a worker index if is not None and "index" in self.worker_index =["index"] self.connection_event.set() elif msg.type == "spawn": self.client.send(Message("spawning", None, self.client_id)) job = if job["timestamp"] <= last_received_spawn_timestamp: "Discard spawn message with older or equal timestamp than timestamp of previous spawn message" ) continue = job["host"] self.environment.stop_timeout = job["stop_timeout"] or 0.0 # receive custom arguments if self.environment.parsed_options is None: default_parser = argument_parser.get_empty_argument_parser() argument_parser.setup_parser_arguments(default_parser) self.environment.parsed_options = default_parser.parse(args=[]) custom_args_from_master = { k: v for k, v in job["parsed_options"].items() if k not in argument_parser.default_args_dict() # these settings are sometimes needed on workers or k in ["expect_workers", "tags", "exclude_tags"] } vars(self.environment.parsed_options).update(custom_args_from_master) if self.worker_state != STATE_RUNNING and self.worker_state != STATE_SPAWNING: self.stats.clear_all() self.exceptions = {} self.cpu_warning_emitted = False self.worker_cpu_warning_emitted = False self.environment._filter_tasks_by_tags() self.worker_state = STATE_SPAWNING if self.spawning_greenlet: # kill existing spawning greenlet before we launch new one self.spawning_greenlet.kill(block=True) self.spawning_greenlet = self.greenlet.spawn(lambda: self.start_worker(job["user_classes_count"])) self.spawning_greenlet.link_exception(greenlet_exception_handler) last_received_spawn_timestamp = job["timestamp"] elif msg.type == "stop": self.stop() self.client.send(Message("client_stopped", None, self.client_id)) # +additional_wait is just a small buffer to account for the random network latencies and/or other # random delays inherent to distributed systems. additional_wait = int(os.getenv("LOCUST_WORKER_ADDITIONAL_WAIT_BEFORE_READY_AFTER_STOP", 0)) gevent.sleep(self.environment.stop_timeout + additional_wait) self.client.send(Message("client_ready", __version__, self.client_id)) self.worker_state = STATE_INIT elif msg.type == "quit":"Got quit message from master, shutting down...") self.stop() self._send_stats() # send a final report, in case there were any samples not yet reported self.greenlet.kill(block=True) elif msg.type == "reconnect": logger.warning("Received reconnect message from master. Resetting RPC connection.") self.reset_connection() elif msg.type == "heartbeat": self.last_heartbeat_timestamp = time.time() client_id=msg.node_id, timestamp=self.last_heartbeat_timestamp ) elif msg.type == "update_user_class": self.environment.update_user_class( elif msg.type == "spawning_complete": # master says we have finished spawning (happens only once during a normal rampup)["user_count"]) elif msg.type in self.custom_messages: logger.debug("Received %s message from master" % msg.type) listener, concurrent = self.custom_messages[msg.type] if not concurrent: listener(environment=self.environment, msg=msg) else: gevent.spawn(listener, self.environment, msg) else: logger.warning(f"Unknown message type received: {msg.type}") def stats_reporter(self) -> NoReturn: while True: try: self._send_stats() except RPCError as e: logger.error(f"Temporary connection lost to master server: {e}, will retry later.") gevent.sleep(WORKER_REPORT_INTERVAL) def logs_reporter(self) -> None: if WORKER_LOG_REPORT_INTERVAL < 0: return while True: current_logs = get_logs() if (len(current_logs) - len(self.logs)) > 10: logger.warning( "The worker attempted to send more than 10 log lines in one interval. Further log sending was disabled for this worker." ) self._send_logs(get_logs()) break if len(current_logs) > len(self.logs): self._send_logs(current_logs) self.logs = current_logs gevent.sleep(WORKER_LOG_REPORT_INTERVAL)
[docs] def send_message(self, msg_type: str, data: dict[str, Any] | None = None, client_id: str | None = None) -> None: """ Sends a message to master node :param msg_type: The type of the message to send :param data: Optional data to send :param client_id: (unused) """ logger.debug("Sending %s message to master" % msg_type) self.client.send(Message(msg_type, data, self.client_id))
def _send_stats(self) -> None: data: dict[str, Any] = {}, data=data) self.client.send(Message("stats", data, self.client_id)) def _send_logs(self, current_logs) -> None: self.send_message("logs", {"worker_id": self.client_id, "logs": current_logs}) def connect_to_master(self): self.retry += 1 self.client.send(Message("client_ready", __version__, self.client_id)) try: success = self.connection_event.wait(timeout=CONNECT_TIMEOUT) except KeyboardInterrupt: # dont complain about getting CTRL-C sys.exit(1) if not success: if self.retry < 3: logger.debug( f"Failed to connect to master {self.master_host}:{self.master_port}, retry {self.retry}/{CONNECT_RETRY_COUNT}." ) else: logger.warning( f"Failed to connect to master {self.master_host}:{self.master_port}, retry {self.retry}/{CONNECT_RETRY_COUNT}." ) if self.retry > CONNECT_RETRY_COUNT: raise ConnectionError() self.connect_to_master() self.connected = True
def _format_user_classes_count_for_log(user_classes_count: dict[str, int]) -> str: return "{} ({} total users)".format( # noqa: UP032 json.dumps(dict(sorted(user_classes_count.items(), key=itemgetter(0)))), sum(user_classes_count.values()), ) def _aggregate_dispatched_users(d: dict[str, dict[str, int]]) -> dict[str, int]: # TODO: Test it user_classes = list(next(iter(d.values())).keys()) return {u: sum(d[u] for d in d.values()) for u in user_classes}